FUN ZONE Party Package: $215 ($250 value)
*You may bring your own theme (BYOT) OR choose
Pirate or Mermaid!
o 10 guests minimum ($10 additional guests)
Fun Zone Party Room-2 hours total. Only Fun Zone Access included
o Birthday child receives Pirate gear including headscarf, eye patch, sword, hook hand and tattoo OR Mermaid set including a seashell necklace, earrings, bracelet, headband, tattoo + TREASURE chest to fill!
o Goody Bag for 10 children($3 each additional child)
o Pirate or Mermaid photobooth set up
Round the World: FUN ZONE + Unlimited ARCADE-$365 ($490 value)
*BYOT OR choose Pirate or Mermaid theme!
o 10 guests ($25 add. guests)
o Fun Zone Party Room-2 hours total
o Fun Zone Access AND 2 Hour Unlimited Arcade
o Goody Bag for 10 children ($3 each additional kid)
o Pirate or Mermaid photobooth set up
o Birthday child receives Pirate gear or Mermaid set + TREASURE chest!
Glow Sail Away Party: Fun Zone + Unlimited Arcade-$430 ($555 value)
*BYOT OR choose Pirate or Mermaid theme!
* Evening Parties only! Subject to glow room availability
o 10 guests($25 add. guests)
o Fun Zone Party Room-2 hours total
o Fun Zone Access AND 2 Hour Unlimited Arcade
o Goody Bag for 10 children ($3 each additional kid)
o PLUS-A Special Dance Party in our COOL GLOW ROOM!
o Guests receive glow necklaces/bracelets
o B-day child gets a cool light up sword!
o Pirate or Mermaid photobooth set up
o Birthday child receives Pirate gear or Mermaid set + TREASURE chest!
Deluxe Adventure: FUN ZONE+ ARCADE+ MORE! $415 ($555 value) *BYOT OR choose Pirate or Mermaid them
o 10 guests ($30 add. guests)
o Fun Zone Party Room-2 hours total
o Fun Zone Access AND $20 Arcade Card for each child
o Goody Bag for 10 children ($3 each additional child)
o Pirate or Mermaid photobooth set up
o Birthday child receives Pirate gear or Mermaid jewelry.
o Visit from Pirate Millie (30 minutes)
o Vanilla Ice cream or Cotton candy (choose 1)